Sunday, 16 December 2012

Cranford Essay

Class and status within this clip is clear to see, because of the contrast between characters, what they wear, and which location they belong in.
It is easiest to see within the Mise En Scene as the clothing of the characters differs depending on their class. Harry, a lower class child, is wearing scruffy clothes, and when a two shot between him and Mr Carter occurs, their outfits juxtapose due to the rich, formal outfit of the higher class sir. 

Low key lighting is used at the beginning of the clip around Harry, to emphasize his unhappy state, due to the fact they are poor. The contrast between the shack and the manor is shown through the master shots; the shack covered with foliage versus the manor surrounded by by space to show its size. The interior of the shack is bare and the dialogue is the focus, not the interior , whereas in the office, the master shot emphasizes its status. 

Harry looks onto the house through the trees, as the house is shrouded by branches. This shows he isn't supposed to be there due to the fact he doesn't fit in with the location, as he belongs in the small, dark, broken shack. When Harry sneaks up to the greenhouse, a shot from inside the greenhouse is used to show he is looking in. This reverse style shot is used to show he is an outsider and doesn't belong inside the wealthy establishment. 

There is also a  contrast between Harry's mother and the Ladies of the Manor who sit in horse and carriages. Harry's mother barely says a word whereas the ladies in carriages are quite vocal and loud with laughter and happiness. This gives the impression that people of a lower class are generally unhappier due to the fact they don't have a satisfying life; whereas richer people enjoy life because they are wealthy and of a higher social status. 

Sound is also key in this clip as the dialogue also represents the divide between lower and higher classes. 'Appy birthday 'Arry' shows the informality and lack of pronunciation within the lower class father's speech, indicating lack of education and schooling. Whereas the well spoken Lady of the Manor indicates wealthier people tend to speak in a posh way in comparison to the lower class characters. A diegetic door squeak is also heard, which shows the poor conditions they live in, and they don't have any money to fix the door or make their house more homely. The diegetic rustling and bird sounds add the the fact they live in a secluded area, symbolizing the fact they are the only poor characters around, as the Manor is full of posh, well respected people. 

No non-diegetic music is played when we are inside the poorer household, to focus on the dialogue and action of the characters. It also creates a sad, depressing atmosphere as it is paralleled to the dark, low-key lighting of the scene. However, when we are inside the greenhouse with Harry, exotic and high-pitched music is heard to show how unusual it is for him to be there, as it isn't his natural scenery. The non-diegetic music then continues to be happy when the marquee is being assembled, and this indicates Harry is happier having a job for a well respected household. 

Throughout the clip, Harry looks up to everyone and low-angled camera shots are used to show what little status he has is the world. High-angled shots are used when focusing on Harry's father, as in the household he has the power. Shot/reverse shots are used during their conversation to emphasize what they are saying and their reactions to the topic of the conversation. 
When Harry is in the Office, different levels are used to show the difference in status, as Harry is sat in the chair and Mr Carter is stood up, towering over him; although not in a condescending way as the audience gets the impression he feels sorry of the boy, as he gives him bread and a drink. 

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